Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Airport Kindness

Today I heard that while on an airplane a frustrated mother,whose child would not stop crying,slapped the child.The air plane attendant saw what had happened and demanded to be given the child and the police were called.
These parents were questioned and held and the child examined for child neglect.
After a thorough examination by a physician and child welfare they and the child were allowed to leave but were to meet with another investigator in the near future to prove they are not monster parents.
I don't know about you but after spending 2 hours in an airport,having luggage and shoes checked then being questioned and treated like a criminal,many is the time I have walked onto a plane and wanted to slap some one my self.(only kidding)
Plane travel is no longer a pleasure it is an act of stress from the minute you enter the airport until your family rescues on the other end.
We expect so much from parents it is just ridiculous.
I know that we are suppose to always be in control but give me a break the woman slapped the child she didn't beat her into submission.
Many years ago my ex sister in law Patty, her 2 year old daughter,my son and my self,were flying together to Kansas to visit both of our children's grandparents.
It had been a good flight and we had a long lay over at the connecting airport.My son,who was also two at the time,was playing quietly with a toy while my niece decided to take her shoes off and throw them on the ground.
Multiple times my friend asked her to stop it,finally after time number 5 I bent down to pick them up and my friend slapped her daughter on the thigh and said "Now stop it".
The lady sitting across from us made some unkind remark to which my friend said "stay out of this,it doesn't involve you!"
The woman got up and left.My friend apologized to me and we gathered our children.
She picked up her cane and we walked to our gate.
That's right "she picked up her cane" because she was 36 years old,had a 2 year old child and m.s.
See the lady that gave us the remark did not know the whole story and kindness on her part might have assisted us in this situation.
Now this stewardess might have made things better if she also took a minute to find out why this child was crying and why this mother was so frustrated.Maybe a simple act on her part could have made for a happier flight for everyone involved.
It doesn't matter if you believe in slapping or not maybe you need to offer some human kindness first.It could make a big difference and the ending might be more toward every ones liking.

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