Thursday, January 22, 2009

caroline kennedy

Today Caroline Kennedy decided not to take the senate seat in New York,she said she is turning it down related to personal issues.This should be the end of story but of course it is not the end it is the beginning.Now all the media is suggesting that she has tax issues,domestic help problems and of course the fact that she may have had an affair with a married man while she was married.
So now comes the time when the media tears her apart, why? because shes rich and a Kennedy.I guess I'm protective of her because she is one day older then me and being the same age I can understand the transitions she has made through out her life.We were both young children when her father died,I recall running into the house and asking my mother what was going on on t.v. and her telling me it was Caroline's fathers funeral,such a sad little girl standing near her veiled mother looking at the horse drawn funeral carriage pass by,the loss of her mother and close friend from cancer,my own mother also died of cancer.losing her young brother in a plane accident,my brother also died at a young age. Her marriage and children moments of happiness for her,which through all her tragedies were well deserved.
This is a strong,sensitive woman who decided to try and step out into the world and try her families business but make the correct choice and backed out.She, like Sarah Palin, will now be ripped apart because she doesn't fit the mold the Washington world wants.
It's easy to say she's rich and spoiled but she has had to face a world of problems from a very young age and to my knowledge seems to be a very strong woman,she's a lawyer and mother of three children who may have made mistakes in her life but it seems to me as far as the Kennedy clan goes, she is probably one of the more well adjusted of all the children and grandchildren.
I say she turned the post down give her the respect she deserves and let her go back to her quite life. God knows she's had enough turmoil now lets give her some peace.

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