Saturday, November 12, 2011

10,000 Steps

A journey of 10,000 miles begins with one step...Lao Tzu

Several weeks ago we attended a wedding in Florida for our nephew.
The last day we were there we decided to do some sight seeing with my husband cousin from Indiana.
Has we began to walk she pulled out her pedometer and said "lets see how many miles we do today."
After a morning and afternoon of fun we ended up walking 7 miles.
Last week while at Wal Marts I came across the very same type of pedometer and decided to buy one for my self,since I'm always wondering how far I walk,especially when at work..
This is a very easy little device to use and not only does it calculate miles walked but also steps taken.
I once read somewhere that in order to be healthy you should aim for 1o,ooo steps a day.
The first full day I used It was while at work ,to my surprise in less the three hours I had already walked over 3,000 steps,my total for that day ended up being 13,000 steps in a nine hour period.
The following day was 13,600,no wonder my legs ache after 3 day of working straight.
Friday was my day off and I decided to try for 10,000 steps,even though I had gone to a very large grocery store and did what I thought was a great deal of walking,by 4pm I had only taken 3,000 steps.
So outside I went at 5pm with flash light and dog in hand to attempt to complete my appointed steps.
Down the road and into the near by fenced in Little League field I went to walk around at least 5 times,then home again at which point I checked my meter to find 9,000 steps had been completed.
Saturday fared even less,a walk around town only totaled 7,000 steps,I can see this is going to be harder then I planned.
With all this in mind it is very obvious that my days off require much more physical activity,if I can only get my legs to co-operate.
Oh well tomorrow is back to work day so I'm sure to meet my goal with out even trying..
They say the first step is always the hardest but in my case the first 3,000 steps are a breeze its the next 7,000 that are a killer.

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