Monday, December 19, 2011

An Old Fashioned Christmas

What makes an old fashioned Christmas?
Last night we and some friends,went to Old Sturbridge Village to celebrate the season in an old fashioned way.
Though the outside air was chilly our spirits were warm.
We got to partake of ginger bread and mulled cider,take a horse and cart ride while watching a bon fire roar in the center square.
Pretty fresh garland with tiny sparkling lights where everywhere while candle lit lanterns illuminated the walk ways.
18Th century caroling in complete garb and a modern brass band,played out songs of Christmas yester year complete with Father Christmas dressed in his green velvet robe with white fur trim a crown of garland encircled his head..yes this Santa decided clothes where on his menu especially with Jack Frost nipping at his nose on this cold December night.
Ginger bread houses and pretty little Christmas trees,decorated the house of the haves while the more modest cottages had happy people sitting near their fireplaces greeting all those who entered.
No candy for these knitted hanging stockings,with nut cups adorning the mantles,real fruits of the fall season and handmade wooden toys would be the Christmas morning fare for the tots residing in these houses.
Food,family and guest where what the day was about.
Carolers going house to house,being invited inside for a warm drink or a simple morsel of food.
In this village of yester year neighbors where your prime source of entertainment,with the understanding that no one survives alone,the entire neighborhood became your tight knit family.
A very different sort of Christmas when compared to our own modern Holiday Festivities.