Friday, January 15, 2010

Such Sadness

Since I'm not sure where to begin this post I will start at the beginning.
Last year we got a patient named Alice,who is totally blind.When she came her home care giver,Joyce,accompanied her to assist with her settling in process.
Alice and Joyce were very close to each other.Joyce,who was married,came to visit several times a week and brought her little brown Poodle,Coco.
Has spring came Joyce began to become friends with one of our maintenance men,Walt.They would go out dancing and doing things,she said her husband could not do because he was disable.
Soon things began to seem romantic and I tried to not be around when Joyce and Walt were together.Being very set against affairs I felt it was better for me to do other things.
Joyce began to confide in me telling me she and Walt were not having an affair and that her husband really liked him,so much so,that they were all planning to move to Florida together.
Now don't get me wrong I liked Joyce and she would talk to me about her horse and how she loved to dance and take walks and Walt helped her feel alive when they were together.
One day she told me she had found out she had thyroid cancer but it seemed under control and she was hoping soon to be well enough to visit with Alice more often.
Today when I got into work,Janice,the third shift nurse said "Linda you need to sit down I have something for you to read."
She then handed me a piece of paper that told of a woman named Joyce found in bed shot in the head.Both her dog and horse were also shot.
It seems her husband had gone into the house shot her, set the house on fire,went to the barn shot the animals,started his truck on fire,then went into the house and shot himself in the door way.
I was in shock.How could such a thing happen?
I went into Alice's room and said "Alice before I check your blood sugar let me hug you."
She said "Linda how could this happen? how could someone do such a thing?"
I told her this was a crazy world,who knows why someone does what they do.I guess we never trully know some one and what their capable of doing.
Alice began to cry and so did I.
I am at present still numb from this whole thing.
Someone told me their house was to go up on the auction block today and that Joyce's cancer had gotten worse and she had no hope.
What ever the reason it just seems so wrong to me and I still feel as if I lost a friend.
May God have mercy on all their souls.

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